Advance Care Directives
An Advanced Care Directive (also often referred to as a living Will) is a direction to your medical providers and family about the choices you have made in regard to your future health care. It is not a form of euthanasia, it merely sets out in specific terms what treatment you require, especially if you are diagnosed with a chronic or terminal illness, or have strong wishes in relation to your future health care. It is binding on your doctors and overrides the authority of your guardian. If you become diagnosed with a serious illness, have a family history of a particular condition or have strong preferences in relation to your future health care, you should consider making an Advance Health Care Directive to ensure that your wishes are carried out in the future.
The documents you choose to draw up will depend on your situation, and the responsibilities you are happy to entrust to others. CONTACT US for legal advice if you are not sure.
Further information is available by clicking on the links below:
We can also assist after the death of a loved one with:
CONTACT US to find out more or to arrange an appointment.