
Why do I need a will?

Having a valid Will is an integral part of your estate planning as it is the only way to ensure that your wishes about your property and belongings are known and can be dealt with the way you want.

A Will can cover things like how your assets will be shared, who will look after your children if they are still young, what trusts you want established, how much money you’d like donated to charities and even instructions about your funeral and care of pets.

Having a Will can help your family and friends to distribute your estate smoothly. We can advise you on how to construct your Will so that you can rest assured knowing your assets will be divided as you wish.

Make sure you keep your Will valid and up to date as your circumstances change, specifically if you marry, divorce or separate; have children or grandchildren; if your spouse or beneficiaries die; or if you have a significant change in financial circumstances.

If you die intestate (without a Will) or your Will is invalid, an administrator appointed by the court pays your bills and taxes from your assets, then distributes the remainder, based on a pre-determined formula, which may not be how you intended your assets to be distributed.

If you die intestate and don’t have any living relatives, your estate will be paid to the state government.

Smart tip: It’s estimated that nearly half of all Australians die without a Will, or ‘intestate’. Don’t let this happen to you. If you would like to discuss making a Will, updating your existing will, or making an appointment in your home, CONTACT US here.